8 Team Elimination Challenge
Major Players vs. Jordynne Grace & W. Morrissey
Grace nails a vert suplex on Myers for a two count. Tag to Morrissey. Cardona tags himself in. Morrissey nails a sidewalk slam on Cardona and a tag to Grace. Grace picks Cardona up for a powerbomb and Morrissey boots him down for emphasis. Green distracts Morrissey and Cardona rolls up Grace: 1-2-3.
ELIMINATED: Jordynne Grace & W. Morrissey
Post-elimination, Morrissey double-chokeslams Matt and Brian. Chelsea takes out Grace and tries to low blow Morrissey, but he had a cup on. Green slaps W. repeatedly, and Grace grabs her for a DDT. Morrissey powerbombs Green through a table.
Major Players vs. The Good Brothers
The GBs don’t relent. They hit the Magic Killer on Cardona. 1-2-3.
ELIMINATED: Major Players
The Good Brothers vs. Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice
Matters do not go well for Swinger and Dice. Zicky inadvertently hits Swinger off the apron. Magic Killer to Dice: 1-2-3.
ELIMINATED: Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice
The Good Brothers vs. Willie Mack & Rich Swann
The duo dive on top of the GBs. Mack and Swann control Karl and nail some corner splashes. It’s Gallows who turns the momentum with a big boot that turns Swann inside out. The GBs isolate Swann for some time. Hot tag to Willie. He catches Karl with a Samoan Drop. Standing moonsault. Two count. Anderson catches Mack with a spinebuster for a two-count as well. Good Brothers go for a Magic Killer on Mack, but Swann makes the save. Mack hits an Andrew Bynum on Anderson. Two count.
Gallows manages to meddle and it allows Willie to get his leg caught in the corner. The Good Brothers hit a Magic Killer and get the pin.
ELIMINATED: Willie Mack & Rich Swann
The Good Brothers vs. Honor No More
Instead of Taven and Bennett, out comes Vincent and Kenny King. In comes Taven and Bennett from behind. Karl hits a Stun Gun on, but Taven gets the pin with some help from Maria.
ELIMINATED: The Good Brothers
Honor No More vs. Rhino & Heath
Heath and Rhino take control but more meddling by HNM have them get Heath isolated. They get a near fall on him after a Taven dropkick. Tag eventually made to Rhino, but HNM continues the offense. Rhino, however, Gores Taven out of nowhere. 1-2-3.
Heath & Rhino vs. Violent By Design (c)
Rhino nails some punches to Eric Young, but the offense goes more in the favor of VBD. Joe Doering has the Man-Beast isolated. Rhino battles out of the corner. He soon gets the hot tag and Heath gets a close one on EY. Heath nails a Wake Up Call. He covers: 1-2-Eric’s foot is on the ropes. Probably put there by Deaner. EY manages to get a pin attempt on Heath. Heath and Eric Young go back and forth, but EY nails a piledriver: 1-2-3.
WINNER and STILL IMPACT World Tag Team Champions: Violent By Design